Self-Insuring Tips

If you are Self Insuring:

Is this something that you will be paying for or did someone else hit your vehicle? You also can stop in for a more traditional consultation if you would like to meet with one of our appraisers. You can also use our mobile estimating app.

If you are Wanting 3rd Party Repairs:

There are few things you should now about 3rd party pay repairs. It is very difficult to determine an exact cost of repair before it has been taken apart. The at fault party will have to expect that there may be a cost increase after the vehicle is taken apart. Also rental reimbursement is an issue as well. If the repairs are paid for by the other party’s insurance they would put you in a comparable vehicle. We always strongly encourage our customers to submit their claims through insurance, but if you and the at-fault party would like to try to pursue this without involving insurance it can be done.