If You Are Involved in an Accident You Must
- Stop at once. Report the accident to the nearest police station.
- See if anyone is injured. If injuries appear serious, call an ambulance. If you are hurt, seek treatment promptly.
- Write a complete description of the accident as soon as possible.
- Submit required accident reports to the proper authorities.
- Call your insurance company.
You are not required to:
- Give a signed statement to the claims adjuster representing the other driver’s insurance company.
- Obtain more than one estimate.
- Take your car to a shop specified by your insurance agent or to any drive–in claims center for inspection.
- Accept a check for repair of your car until you are confident that it covers all necessary repairs.
- Sign any insurance company release until every repair has been completed to your satisfaction.
Fresno Body works is a preferred auto body repair shop for many
insurance companies, allowing our company to make your repairs in a
manner that is as quick and hassle free as possible. If you are
interested in a free auto body estimate from, Fresno Body Works in
Fresno and Clovis contact us or fill out a request online and one of our
estimators will contact you.
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